Acknowledgments & Credits


This exhibition and catalog were made possible because of the support and enthusiasm of many people. Nothing, of course, would have happened without Jack Prelutsky himself. We are also indebted to the contemporary poets and illustrators who contributed to the printed catalog. In Western Libraries, Dennis Matthews, Casey Mullin, and David Schlitt meticulously cataloged and processed the Prelutsky Collection so that it could be accessed by library users. We are grateful for additional support from John Danneker, Dean of Libraries, Shevell Thibou, Director of Teaching & Learning, and Elizabeth Joffrion, Director of Archives & Special Collections. The graphic design for the catalog was done by Chris Baker and photography provided by Jan Boles and Michael Taylor.

Though not directly involved in the exhibition, we also wish to thank two longtime supporters of the youth literature collections at Western Libraries. Marian Alexander, Dean Emerita of Libraries, was an early believer in the Poetry for Children & Teens Collection (PoetryCHaT). In addition to growing our circulating and special collections, her generous donations have supported programming and outreach. When the idea of developing a prestigious youth poetry collection was aspirational, English Professor Nancy Johnson was an enthusiastic champion. She is a tireless advocate for the study and teaching of children’s literature.

Book and Illustration Credits

Catalog Cover & Page Embellishments

Bryans, J. K. Shadowkids. Illustrated by Bryans. Platt & Munk Co., 1929

Knight, M. Forster. The Laughing Hour. Illustrated by Knight. Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1937.


Blake, William. Songs of Innocence. Illustrated by Charles Robinson and Mary H. Robinson. J. M. Dent & Sons, 1912.

Didactic Poetry

Bates, Clara Doty. Selections From Aesop’s Fables. Various illustrators. D. Lothrop & Co., 1884.

Bridgman, Lewis Jesse. Jest-nuts. Illustrated by Bridgman. H. M. Caldwell Company, 1903.

Felt, Oliver Selwyn. Fables in Verse. Illustrated by John W. Watson. Crosby and Nichols, 1864.

Taylor, Jane. Original Poems for Infant Minds. Munroe & Francis, 1841.

Watts, Isaac. Divine and Moral Songs for Children. R. Miller, 1816.

Mother Goose

Grover, Eulalie Osgood. Mother Goose. Illustrated by Frederick Richardson. P. F. Volland, 1915.

Rackham, Arthur. Mother Goose: The Old Nursery Rhymes. Reprint. Random House, 1988.

Hoffs, Tamar. The Liberated Mother Goose. Celestial Arts, 1974.

Merriam, Eve. The Inner City Mother Goose. Illustrated by Lawrence Ratzkin. Simon & Schuster, 1969.


Gordon, Elizabeth. Wild Flower Children: The Little Playmate of the Fairies. Illustrated by Janet Laura Scott. P. F. Volland Company, 1918.

Upton, Bertha. The Vege-Men’s Revenge. Illustrated by Florence Upton. Longmans, Green & Co., 1897.

Nonsense Verse for Children

Cunningham, Virginia. Add-a-Rhyme. Garden City Publishing Co., Inc., 1941.

Peter Piper’s Alphabet; Peter Piper’s Practical Principles of Plain and Perfect Pronunciation. Various illustrators. Mergenthaler Linotype Co., 1936.

Lear, Edward. The Nonsense Poems of Edward Lear. Illustrated by Leslie Brooke. Clarion Books, 1991.

Nonsense Verse for Adults

Douglas, Lord Alfred. Tails with a Twist. Illustrated by E. T. Reed. Edward Arnold, 1898.

Belloc, Hilaire. New Cautionary Tales. Illustrated by Nicolas Bentley. Duckworth & Co., 1930.

Lear, Edward. The Nonsense Poems of Edward Lear. Illustrated by Leslie Brooke. Clarion Books, 1991.


Allingham, William, Walter De la Mare, and Matthew Arnold. The Fairy Shoemaker, and Other Fairy Poems. Illustrated by Boris Artzybasheff. Macmillan Co., 1928.

Field, Eugene. The Sugar-Plum Tree and Other Verses. Illustrated by Fern Bisel Peat. Saalfield Publishing Company, 1930.

Ichikawa, Satomi. From Morn to Midnight. Crowell, 1977.

Peter Piper’s Alphabet; Peter Piper’s Practical Principles of Plain and Perfect Pronunciation. Various illustrators. Mergenthaler Linotype Co., 1936.

Prelutsky, Jack. Scranimals. Illustrated by Peter Sís. Greenwillow Books, 2002.

Sketchbook, dummy, and final mock-up of Scranimals. Donated for exhibit display by Peter Sís.


Goulart, Frances Sheridan. The Mother Goose Cookbook. Illustrated by Donald Hendricks. Price/Stern/Sloan, 1970.

Day, Mahlon, and Mary Botham Howitt. Poems for the Young. Printed and sold by Mahlon Day, 1825.

Kellogg’s Funny Jungleland Moving-Pictures. Kellogg’s, 1932.

My Little Television Set, (Nine Tom Thumb Books) Boxed Set. Rand McNally & Company, 1949.

Imaginary Voyages

Other Folks at Home: A Trip Through Europe. Estes & Lauriat, 1885.

Andre, Richard. The Cruise of the Walnut Shell. Illustrated by Andre. Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1881.

Clark, G. Orr. Nightmare Land. Illustrated by Caroline Goodwin. R. H. Russell, 1901.

History & Current Events

Begbie, Harold, and Grant Richards. The Political Struwwelpeter. London: Grant Richards, 1899.

Begbie, Harold. The Struwwelpeter Alphabet. Illustrated by Francis Carruthers Gould. Grant Richards, 1900.

Flick, Alexander Clarence. History in Rhymes and Jingles. Illustrated by Carl T. Hawley. Saalfield Pub. Co., 1901.

Husted, Helen McLanahan. Timothy Taylor, Ambassador of Goodwill: The Story of an English Boy. Illustrated by A. Mireur. Coward-McCann, Inc., 1941.

Music Lyrics & Scores

Crane, Walter. The Baby’s Opera: A Book of Old Rhymes with New Dresses. Illustrated by Edmund Evans. McLoughlin Bros., 1879.

Hughes, Langston. The First Book of Jazz. Illustrated by Cliff Roberts. Franklin Watts, 1955.

McCall, Adeline. Timothy’s Tunes. Illustrated by Anna Braune. The Boston Music Co., 1943.

Meissner, William Otto. The Three Little Pigs: Tonight. Meissner Institute of Music, 1934.

Advertising & Marketing

Sturges, Lillian. The Runaway Toys. Rand McNally & Company, 1920.

Wicker, Ireene. Mother Goose. Illustrated by Vernon Grant. Kellogg Company, 1933.

Teaching & Learning

Rhymes for Children: Illustrated with Appropriate Wood-Cuts. Poetry Bookshop, 1919.

Postscript: Into the Future

Winsor, Frederick. The Space Child’s Mother Goose. Illustrated by Marian Parry. Simon and Schuster, 1958.

Limón, Ada. In Praise of Mystery. Illustrated by Peter Sís. Norton Young Readers, 2024.


No part of this catalog may be reproduced without permission from Western Libraries, ©2024 Western Washington University.